Finding Reliable Source

Nama Jurnal               : journal of power sources
Nama Artikel             Cool-down time of solid oxide fuel cells intended for transpotation application
Identitas                     : volume 58, issiu 1, January 1996, Pages 87-91
  • ·         Introducation

To provide answers to the concern as to how quickly the temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) for transportation application will drop, a thermal analysis of the cool-down time of an SOFC stack during vehicle idle or stand-by has been carried out
  • ·         Body

Because a large amount of thermal energy is stored in high-temperature SOFC stacks, it is important to select suitable thermal insulations to reduce heat loss.
  • ·         Conclusion

The results indicate that a high-performance, vacuum-multifoil thermal insulation can be applied to significantly reduce heat loss and to maintain temperature uniformity across a cell stack. Consequently, the cool-down time from 1000 to 800°C is extended from 2 h (with a 5 cm thick conventional material) to about 31 h (with a 1 cm thick high-performance material).

Nama Jurnal               : journal of photochemistry and photobiology
Nama Artikel    : Photochromic properties of cationic oxazolylfulgimides in hydroxylic mediaapplication
Identitas                     : volume 203, issues 2-3, 15 April 2009, Pages 161-165
  • ·         Introducation

Water-soluble cationic oxazolylfulgimides have been prepared to examine their photochromic properties in neutral aqueous solution and hydroxylic solid films.
  • ·         Body

Introduction of the electron-withdrawing cationic substituents led to large shifts of the electronic transitions and significant changes in the photochromic response rates. In bare films of solid poly(vinyl alcohol) and κ-carrageenan gel exposed to the air, high photochemical reversibilities were found.
  • ·         Conclusion

Though extensive photochemical and thermal degradations occurred in bare Nafion film, they were substantially depressed by sealing the surface with PVA film.

Nama Jurnal              : journal of heat and mass transfer
Nama Artikel            Natural convective heat and moisture transfer in an inclined building enclosure with one slender wall of finite thickness: Analytical investigation and non-unique steady flow solutions
Identitas                    : volume 104, January 2017, Pages 1160-1176
  • ·         Introducation

Two component conjugate natural convection in a rectangular inclined enclosure having a partition with finite thickness and imposing heat and mass fluxes on the long end walls is studied both analytically and numerically, representative of heat and moist vapor transport across modern building enclosures.
  • ·         Body

Contours of stream function, heat function and mass function are presented to clearly scrutinize the mechanism of heat and moisture transports. Present research covers the range of Ra from 103 to 107, N from −10.0 to 10.0, d from 0 to 0.2 and Φ from −90° to 90°. In most of treated situations, the analytical solution, based on the parallel flow approximation, is founded to be in good agreement with a numerical solution. For the vertical case, thermal Nusselt and species Sherwood numbers arrive at the minimum as N = −1.0, which is helpful to determine the optimized buoyancy ratio in engineering applications. The results also show that the presence of a partition suppress the intensity of convection. Similar trends are also observed in the inclined enclosure. Furthermore, the combined effect of opposed buoyancy ratio and negative angle of inclination is identical to that of cooperate buoyancy ratio and positive angle.
  • ·         Conclusion

Upward solutions, downward solutions and rest solutions have been exemplified with varying N and inclination angles. Dual solution branches could be sustained in the vicinity of N = −1.0, while the rest solutions obtained from rest states are completely coinciding with former continuous solutions.

Nama Jurnal                : journal of transportation systems engineering and information thechnology
Nama Artikel              Review of Transportation and Energy Consumption Related Research
Identitas                      : volume 9, issues 3, June 2009, Pages 6-16
·         Introducation
With high consumption of energy, especially petroleum resources, transportation industry has received much concern.
  • Body

In view of this, the paper summarizes the domestic and international research achievements on transportation energy consumption, such as external cost determination of energy consumption, influencing factor analysis, statistical indices and data comparison, interactive relation between transportation energy consumption and social economy, relevant planning and policy making, prediction of energy demand of transportation industry.
  • Conclusion

Some key issues concerning the future researches are put forward, namely, the statistical data collection and comparative indices determination, estimation of comparative consumption factors of different transportation modes, exploration of influencing factors and sensitivity analysis, as well as the establishment of relevant basic data platform and theory and method system.

Nama Jurnal                : journal of financial economics
Nama Artikel              Share issue privatizations as financial means to political and economic ends
Identitas                      : volume 53, issues 2, August 1999, Pages 217-253
  • ·         Introducation

This study examines how political and economic factors affect the offer price, share allocation, and other terms governments choose when they privatize state-owned enterprises via a public share offering.
  • ·         Body

Using a 59 country sample of 630 share issue privatizations (SIPs) with total proceeds of over $446 billion during the period 1977–1997
  • ·         Conclusion

we find that governments consistently underprice SIP offers, tilt their share allocation patterns to favour domestic investors, impose control restrictions on privatized firms, and typically use fixed-price offers rather than book building or competitive tender offers, all to further political and economic policy objectives.


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